Friday 2 October 2015

I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you

I neglected to mention that last week we found a couple of damson trees. They were hiding in plain sight along the main road in Gran's village. Apparently you should never tell anyone where your damson trees are!

Damsons are such a good fruit, they were known as the housewives friend - apparently for their magical setting qualities. I thought this couldn't be right, given that they are effectively just small plums, but making a jam with them on Tuesday proved me wrong and my old books right! Just a few minutes boiling and the setting point was reached, without adding any lemon juice or pectin.

Damson jam (not quite ready)
I only made three jars of jam because I really fancied using the rest of the damsons for wine. It comes out such a lovely colour, and I was still smarting about the loss of a gallon of last years damson wine to the vinegar fly. If I'd been thinking straight at the time I'd have bottled it as posh vinegar! I didn't have the full 4lb of damsons (because of the jam) but I topped it up with some of the plums that were handily growing a few shrubs down, and a few bullace I found along the route. I reckon it won't make much difference, but I look forward to the testing next year!

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